Itilima District has a number of 7,649 pre-primary pupils of whom 3,489 are female and are
3,639 male in 110 Pre-primary Schools
Itilima has 113 primary schools with a total number of 59,072 pupils out of which 29,511 are
female and 27,982 are male.
The issue of rehabilitation and construction of classrooms and teacher houses have been an important
focus. The strategy for construction of classrooms and teachers’ houses has changed from a true paid
construction to cost sharing arrangement with community contribution taken to the maximum. This has
proved to be an effective and cost efficient strategy to increase the number of classrooms, teachers’
houses, and latrines. It has also reinforced community ownership of schools and capabilities in
addressing problems.
-To date the ratio of books stands at 1:6. This was caused by the rules/ guides on the right
text to be used in learning. Before this ruling out of text to be used, the ratio of books was
1:6. The paradigm shift of learning and lack of funds are the main cause of this situation.
-Teachers’ pupil ratio before PEDP was 1:85 to date stands at 1:46 which indicates the
teachers’ employment does not match with the increased enrollment.
-Meanwhile the range of recruitment is 100 teacher per year for Itilima District which
shows the encouragement of government initiatives.
-Availability of other teaching materials to date increases tremendously as funds for
purchase of teaching materials is made available .
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Hatimiliki ©2016 Kitengo cha TEHAMA. Haki Zote Zimehifadhiwa